
Configuring a tor proxy
Configuring a tor proxy

Usually, when you install software like a proxy, the process is different depending on which operating system you’re running. Both are relatively simple so bear with me. I’ll explain an easy way and a not so easy way of doing this. Setting up your own proxy sounds complicated but it’s easy. The most stable way of doing this is to run a Tor proxy ourselves and redirect our Node.js requests through it. What’s particularly interesting about Tor is how easy it is to set up a local Tor proxy and direct all our traffic through it. According to Tor Metrics, about two million people use Tor Browser every day.

configuring a tor proxy

That’s why it’s also the most popular way to access the hidden part of the internet commonly known as the deep web. It uses Tor’s network to conceal who you are and what you do online. It works like any other internet browser with some added features and options to increase anonymity. For instance, if you’re worried about how companies like Facebook and Google monitor your every move to show you relevant ads, you might want to check out Tor Browser. They also developed Tor Browser to replace your usual browser for daily usage. The Tor Project aims to help people protect themselves from companies, governments, or individuals who conduct traffic analysis or network surveillance.

configuring a tor proxy

It directs Internet traffic through free, worldwide, volunteer operated relays to mask the origin of requests. Tor, or as it used to be called “The Onion Router,” is a service that enables free anonymous communication over the Internet. Let’s start by understanding what Tor is. In this article, I’m going to explain how you can set up your own code to work over Tor and use its advantages for free. After some thinking and some research, I’ve realised that Tor is perfect for most of my use cases. But it was complicated to change the location of VPN, it wasn’t anonymous, and it was costly when I wasn’t actively using it. I set up my own VPN which was a pretty good solution for some of my use cases.

configuring a tor proxy

To achieve this seamlessly and reliably, I needed a trustworthy and anonymous VPN or proxy. Sometimes I want to test how my new bot protection behaves, or view my website or application from abroad, or access a website that’s not accessible from the country I’m in (I used to live in Turkey), or simply mask who I am online. Occasionally, I need these scripts to appear to be in random remote locations. Like every developer, I find myself writing many scripts, bots and cron jobs, that regularly hit certain servers.

Configuring a tor proxy